Wednesday, January 30, 2008

JAGs 1.4m coming soon!

Eureka! I've done a lot since last post.

I'm close to releasing an alpha JAGS 1.4m.
The 'm' stands for multi game. This means one JAGs server will search an FTP directory, load up all those java games and connect the client to the correct backend game space.

For instance, I can set up an FTP folder and you will be able to upload your java game right along with mine.

This will be fantastic for testing, as I can have my own games going and so can you -- even ones that need java resources on the backend.

And if your game doesn't need backend java resources, JAGs 1.4m will still give you a virtual game space based on your whatever you want to call it in your Actionscript call.

Of course, groups are still supported within your game space. This allows you to further refine who everyone is playing with.

I've also improved the Actionscript client library. Now, it's much cleaner and uses events heavily. This means much lighter integration with any game you want to write = easier in general.


The example I will release soon brings me to my final exciting bit of news: multiplayer physics APE.

Yes, that's right. I successfully sent complete APE "WheelParticle"s across the server from one Actionscript client to another! Yeah.

In this video, you can see two windows running some APE physics. The top window, when refreshed sends its wheel particles to the bottom window. The only way the bottom window gets the WheelParticle is through JAGS.

I hit refresh two times, and you can see where it made a couple of sets of wheels and sent them over the wire.

I'll have to post the code and write up how to make use of the IExternalizable interface so you can go crazy with sending any object you want over the net too.

Just need to sleep a little right now...


Pete Hobson said...

Hey. Looking really good. So, whats going on here? The APE environment is running independently on each client - or is it master-client thing??

BrainSparkAI said...

There are two actionscript 3 clients, both with APE in them.

Each game client also has an actionscript class that talks to the JAGS 1.4m server, which is Java.

Here's the client source link for APE and JAGS working together.

You would need your own JAGS server until I get off my lazy butt and update my public fireleg server. Here's the server source.

The server is fairly easy to get as a Netbeans 6.0 project.